Greenhouse IT

To enhance the appeal of public bus transportation, many operators are now providing free Wi-Fi hotspots, allowing passengers to browse the internet during their journey. Alongside this, there is a growing trend in offering on-board content sharing services, adding value to the passenger experience. However, from an integration and operation standpoint, these enhancements present a challenge. It is crucial for operators to choose connectivity products that are not only reliable but also easy to integrate. Additionally, these products must be manageable remotely using software that is both robust and user-friendly. This approach aims to create a more enjoyable and connected experience for bus passengers while ensuring efficient operation and management for the service providers.

Gas Station Solution
Project Challanges

One of the primary challenges facing passengers in relation to network connectivity is maintaining a stable and reliable internet connection while in transit. As buses move through different areas, the quality of the network signal can vary, potentially leading to inconsistent or interrupted service. This is particularly problematic for activities that require a steady connection, such as streaming media or participating in video calls. Furthermore, the need to cater to a high volume of users simultaneously can strain the network, especially during peak travel times when many passengers might be trying to access online services. This demand can lead to slower speeds or connectivity issues, impacting the overall user experience. Additionally, ensuring the security of the network is a significant concern, as passengers using public Wi-Fi are often at risk of cyber threats, making it crucial to provide a secure and protected connection.


The solution for enhancing passenger transport connectivity revolves around the use of 4G LTE technology, recognized for its reliability and cost-efficiency. The extensive global cellular coverage of 4G LTE ensures high data speeds, wide availability, and low latency, making it an ideal choice for moving vehicles like buses.

At the core of this solution is the Teltonika RUT956 Industrial Cellular Router. This router is capable of broadband LTE speeds up to 150 Mbps and is equipped with additional features such as robust Wi-Fi, accurate GPS, and advanced firmware functionalities. It is specifically designed to work seamlessly with the custom version of RutOS, developed for Cloud by Teltonika Networks. This integration enables the RUT955 to work in conjunction with Cloud software and the Media content device, along with its management platform.

The resulting setup offers several benefits for passengers. It provides a hotspot for internet access, enhancing the travel experience with added functionalities like a captive portal for marketing purposes, location tracking, and content sharing over Wi-Fi. Additionally, the solution allows for the connection of other devices, such as CCTV cameras for security and ticketing terminals for convenient transaction processing. This comprehensive connectivity solution not only improves the passenger experience but also adds value to the transport service by integrating various digital functionalities.

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