PC Engines PCI Post Code Display - Motherboard Diagnostic Display is used to write diagnostic codes on PC BOIS. Dual digit LED display indicates codes and power supply rails.
PC Engines MMCX to N-Female Bulkhead Pigtail is RoHS certified. Engineered for peak performance upto 6GHz operations and usable for any mini-PCI card with MMCX connector.
2.4 GHz outdoor Omni Directional antenna is a versatile and economical choice for engineers and technicians. This antenna provides the best performance with minimum loss.
PC Engines Remote Display Kit for POST4D connects with POST4D PCI POST card. Its 20 inch cable allows display to be placed in a more suitable location.
The cable has enough cross-links between the signals to transmit and receive data with accuracy. Moreover, this is used mostly to transfer files from one computer to another.Null Modem Cable (DB9F - DB9F) is a cross linked cable.
Silicon Labs CP2104 controller, which has proven reliable in our experience. Unlike competitors, our adapter has the DB9F female connector with null-modem pin-out to allow for direct connection to Alix/APU system boards without a DB9 null modem cable
This is a 44 pin cable with 2 mm pitch connectors for 2.5" HDDs. Shortened version with opposed connectors for easier mounting inside case1c / case1d enclosures
Winstron DCMA82 miniPCI wireless network adapter offers high output power of 400mW, extending the range of embedded devices much further. Combined with excellent receiver sensitivity, Winstron DCMA82-26dBm is the miniPCI of choice for long distance links, or those where signal levels are reduced due to minor obstructions such as tress or buildings.
Showing 25-45 of 45 item(s)
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