Raspberry Pi

Adafruit Blue&White 16x2 LCD+Keypad Kit
In Stock
This pi plate is perfect for when you want to build a stand-alone project with its own user interface. The 4 directional buttons plus select button allows basic control without having to attach a bulky computer.
Adafruit RGB Negative 16x2 LCD+Keypad Kit
In Stock
This pi plate is perfect for when you want to build a stand-alone project with its own user interface. The 4 directional buttons plus select button allows basic control without having to attach a bulky computer. 
Passive PoE Injector Cable Set Passive PoE Injector Cable Set 2
In Stock
Simplify your Internet of Things with a passive PoE injector cable. These are quite handy for projects that have Ethernet connectivity and also need a power cable.
Showing 25-28 of 28 item(s)

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